Author Archives: admin

Heritage is Commoning

Skaber vi kulturarven, eller skaber den os? Heritage is Commoning præsenterer i kunst og tekst en række aktuelle undersøgelser af den måde, vi taler om kulturarv, national identitet og demokratiske fællesskaber på.

Bogen udgives i forbindelse med udstillingensrækken Heritage is Commoning i Astrid Noacks Atelier, og er en del af Golden Days’ Festival 2015 – Festival of Important Shit.

De faglige bidrag er leveret af Mikkel Bogh (direktør, SMK), Bernard Eric Jensen (lektor, RUC) Claus Haas (lektor, AU), Christian Vollmond (lektor, KVUC), Beate Knuth Federspiel (lektor KADK), Albert Scherfig (redaktør, Forlaget Nemo) Morten Bencke (kulturhistoriker) & Mikkel Bolt (lektor, KU).

Hver enkelt bog har en unik forside håndkoloreret af Elisabeth Kiss fra kunstnergruppen K-O-N-T-O.

Dansk film og kulturel globalisering


describes and analyzes the globalization of Danish society that has taken place since the 1970s, with particular emphasis on the conflicts, cultural encounters and global challenges it has given rise to. The book is the first Danish book which addresses how globalization and the more multicultural composition of Danish society have affected Danish film, both feature films, short films and documentaries. Based on extensive empirical material on the influence of globalization on Danish film and Danish culture and interviews with 11 Danish directors, who have all contributed significantly to the film’s global agenda, a new picture is drawn of the diversity in Danish film. At the same time, a number of central films with globalization and multicultural reality as themes, the reception the films have received and the discussion they have given rise to are analyzed and discussed. The book is richly illustrated and provided with a large number of informative tables and figures which document important aspects of cultural globalization, the development of film culture and Denmark as a multicultural society.




The book Berørt is the first to describe Danish contemporary art as it has developed from 2000 until today. After the turn of the millennium, we saw a number of young artists who achieved international star status with the speed of lightning, and who had to hire assistants in large numbers to keep up with the great demand. Contemporary art became hip, and Danish art flourished. But with the financial crisis in 2008, the market suddenly changed: Scores of galleries had to close, and the artists began to look for new paths. Touched tells about how art has developed over the past two decades both within painting, sculpture, installation art, performance, photography and media art and art in public space. The book is written by art editor at Dagbladet Information Maria Kjær Themsen (b. 1978). Kjær Themsen is, among other things, a curator, author of the monograph John Kørner / Painting (2016) and former art critic at Weekendavisen.